Midwest Photography Workshops

Scroll down to learn about and register for our upcoming courses or Contact us with any questions about the courses we offer.

Step into a world of photography…
where the possibilities are endless.
Let Midwest Photography Workshops provide you with the foundation you need to effectively pursue photography as a hobby, or at a professional level. Our Fundamentals of Photography Class (#101) covers exposure, shutter speeds and f/stops. Learn composition techniques such as: the rule of thirds, leading lines, S curves, and much more. We will guide you through the various accessories and additional equipment. Midwest Photography Workshops specialize in small class sizes. That means personal attention as you need it.
Our instructors are passionate, experienced, and are up to date in the ever changing world of digital photography. Come away with a new understanding of your camera and just what all of those buttons, dials and settings do. You purchased a DSLR camera, let Midwest show you all it can do. Let’s move beyond the fully automatic functions of the Green Box setting.
Photography Courses
Our extensive selection of evening classes will give photographers of all levels the opportunity to improve their skills and learn new techniques. Most classes meet 4 to 6 sessions, once a week, typically from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Many classes include an all-day shooting or computer lab printing.
Photography 101
This class is designed for the beginner who has recently purchased a digital SLR camera, a mirrorless camera, or for people looking for a refresher on technique.
Lightroom 210
Learn to download, categorize, and manipulate images with speed and ease.

Midwest Photography workshops offers many workshops that will allow you put your photographic skills to use. Our workshops will take you either into the studio or on location for day long shooting and instruction.
Class size
We always keep the participant-to-instructor ratio low (typically 10 to 1 or less).
Most workshops will run from 10 am to 5 PM. Saturday and/or Sunday.
Some weekends will have 2 different workshops (one Saturday & one Sunday) but of a similar theme to allow you to get the most out of your weekend.
Recent Work
Bryce Denison holds a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree from The College for Creative Studies in applied photography and holds a Masters degree in photography from Wayne State University (where he spent many years as an adjunct professor). Bryce travels throughout the United States and Canada where he lectures at various photographic events. He has lectured on behalf of Ilford Corporation and was a representative for Westcott Corporation at national meetings and conventions for over 15 years each. Bryce has work exhibited nationally has many pieces represented in the permanent collection of several museums, galleries, and private collections across the country. Recently, Bryce retired as an Arson Investigation Photographer for the Detroit Fire Department. He is a certified Evidence Technician, Arson Instructor, and has served as the Director of Midwest Photography Workshops since 1980.

Photo Safari Trips
These photographic excursions are designed for photographers of all skill levels, novice through advanced. Come with us to explore the United States, Europe and Canada; see natural beauty that will take your breath away.

Midwest Photography Workshops is on Meetup
Contact Us
313-804-9266 or
Farmington Hills Campus
28830 West 8 Mile Rd
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Wildbrook Campus
29260 Wildbrook Drive
Southfield, MI 48034
Instructor Portfolio
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