#102 Basic Digital Photography in a Day for DSLR or Mirrorless Cameras

Instructor(s): Bryce Denison

Tuition: $80.00

This one-day four-hour workshop will provide instruction on how to shoot your family photos, vacations and portraits of loved ones using a camera known as a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) or a mirror-less camera.  That means a camera that has a removable lens.  A point and shoot camera or cell phone will not be appropriate. We will also demonstrate how to download the images into your computer and some very basic editing of those photos.  After completing this class, if you wish to enroll in the six-week 30 hour long Fundamentals of Photography Class (#101), MPW will apply 100% of the $80.00 tuition to that class.

The following slideshow consists of photographs related to the subject of this course. Skip past this slideshow.