#1303 Private Lessons with Bryce Denison - Three Hours
Instructor(s): Bryce Denison
Tuition: $300.00
Midwest Photography Workshops offers Private Lessons by Bryce Denison, Linda Piasecki, or Richard Grubola. The Rate is at $100.00 per hour. If we must travel to your location, the travel time is calculated at $50.00 per hour Portal to Portal. Instruction time is still calculated at $100.00 per hour. There is no travel time if your travel is to either the Southfield or Farmington Hills campus. If you need studio Lighting instruction, access to the studio is included. If you need a model or hair and makeup artist, the student pays for the model. MPW can make arrangements for a model or HMA on your behalf.
The following slideshow consists of photographs related to the subject of this course. Skip past this slideshow.