# 204 Photoshop Skin

Instructor(s): Richard Grubola

Tuition: $100.00

Most photographs are made with people in them.  Some people have perfect skin.  Most do not. Some people have perfect teeth. Most do not. Moles, wrinkles, scars, lazy eyes, unkempt hair, freckles, or crow’s feet bring character to some faces – and less so for others. Photographers are hired for their artistic vision to best portray their subjects and capture their image.   Photographers must quantify beauty to maximize the subject’s best features and minimize less desirable qualities.  This six-hour workshop will include instruction and hands-on practice with portraits using Photoshop, the industry standard for correcting and enhancing digital images.

  • Learn the correct philosophy for retouching people, what to leave, what to retouch, and how far to go.
  • Acquire a simple technique that will help you ensure your retouching looks natural.
  • The best way to lighten dark circles under eyes.
  • The best tool for removing blemishes, quickly.
  • Simple ways to remove blotchy color, stray hairs, over-exposed hot spots, and even remove major distractions from backgrounds.
  • Quickly smooth uneven skin leaving all the pores and not making it look “plasticky” with the help of an Action you can take with you.
  • The basic figure anatomy you must know before figure posing and retouching.
  • Slim down chins, arms, waistlines. Add smiles to portraits and all naturally.
  • Make composite images from multiple photos, e.g. swap peoples’ heads, open peoples’ eyes, etc.

Just as a reminder; all digital editing classes are held at our new Southfield campus located at 29260 Wildbrook Dr. (just east of Telegraph and just north of 12 Mile Rd.) Midwest Photography Workshops maintains a bank of 9 Macintosh computers in our computer lab, but students are welcome to bring in their own laptop computer they wish. In the event a student desires to attend any of the 200 series of classes a second time, they may do so at a fee of 1/2 of the original course tuition. Midwest Photography Workshops just updated the entire computer lab with brand new Mac Mini’s. Do not have any fear if you work on a PC computer. The keyboard is exactly the same. If can drive a Ford, you can drive a Chevy. The instructor is skilled in both platforms.

The following slideshow consists of photographs related to the subject of this course. Skip past this slideshow.