We don’t offer senior discounts or first responder or military discounts. But if you want a discount… Here is the carrot we can dangle in front of you. Sign up for these two classes and pay for them in advance and get a 10% Discount. Class #140 Portfolio Development $360.00 and #120 Intermediate shooting Techniques is $360.00. Register for both classes at the same time as #1106 Companion Class (if signed up for separately $720.00) and save $70.00 for a price of $650.00. These two classes are things that go together like peanut butter and jelly or cookies and milk. #140 is the class for photographers who are looking to create and build a portfolio to enhance their career. #120 Intermediate Shooting Techniques is the class intended to be the Shooting Class to follow the #101 Fundamentals of photography.
The pairing of classes and workshops that can be attended in tandem or one after the other are listed here in the #1100 Series. For students looking to take multiple classes and workshops, here is an opportunity to sign up for two classes and get a 10% discount for doing so. Some Companion classes involve basic shooting and basic editing. Other listings include companion classes that involve just portraiture in either studio or outdoor lighting and posing. Still Companion Classes include advanced techniques like HDR, Panorama stitching and focus stacking.
Since the two classes or workshops listed as Companion Classes seldom occur at the same time, MPW will impose no time limit as to when the student must complete the second class if not attending both classes simultaneously. Students will want to follow up their registration with a phone call to select exactly which date they prefer to enroll in and to find out when the other class is offered next. (313) 804-9266 ask for Bryce or Mark.