Whether we know it as a speed light or a strobe, the small battery powered flash that sits upon the top of our camera is one of the most useful, and at the same time most frustrating too in the photographers camera bag. This 1 1/2-hour workshop will help you tame the speed light, mastering its use on and off the camera. Your will learn to bounce the light creatively or modify its output with domes, diffusers and mini soft boxes. Learn about dragging the shutter and rear curtain/second curtain sync techniques. Combine the speed light with ambient light for realistic looking lighting. Filter your flash to match ambient light so you never have orange or fluorescent green backgrounds again.We will set up an instant mini studio with two compact light stands, two umbrellas, radio controlled slaves air electric eyes to fire a pair of strobes. Whether you shoot Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax, Fuji or Sony. By the end of the podcast, you will have joined the ranks of the strobist.
This podcast is 1/2 the price of the actual in-person class taught at MPW (#110), but the actual class is live and in-person with demonstrations and a question and answer period following. If after watching this pod cast you have additional questions, you can schedule a private session with Bryce at the rate of $100.00 per hour for either a live in-person session or an on-line session. Select this option and MPW will mail you a USB flash drive with this 1 1/2-hour broadcast on it delivered by the United States Postal Service.