#210 Editing Using Adobe Lightroom starting Monday June 30, 2025 10:30am -2:00 PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Lightroom has become the standard in image management software; boosting your creativity by saving time and effort.  During this six-week class, students will learn to download, sort, and edit their images with speed and ease.  We will also spend time using the DXO (NIK) and Portrait Professional plug-ins for Lightroom to further enhance our images.  […]

#210 Editing using Adobe Lightroom starting Monday June 30, 2025 6:30-10:00 PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Lightroom has become the standard in image management software; boosting your creativity by saving time and effort.  During this six-week class, students will learn to download, sort, and edit their images with speed and ease.  We will also spend time using the DXO (NIK) and Portrait Professional plug-ins for Lightroom to further enhance our images.  […]

#123 Panorama Photography Saturday July 12, 2025 9:00-12:00 pm

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

This three-hour workshop will provide instruction to shoot multiple photographs with either a digital camera or film based camera, and stitch the photographs together into a panorama of up to 360 degrees. Class includes shooting techniques (camera positioning, exposure, white balance) to increase stitching success, image processing and how to prepare the images for printing. […]

#115 Long Exposure Techniques Saturday July 12, 2025 1:00-4:00PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Water tends to look more natural if it is allowed to move and blur in your photograph.  This one-day workshop will provide information on the techniques to make that happen.  We will begin in the classroom then go outside for a shooting experience. After students have made sufficient images, we will return to the MPW […]

#925 InfraRed Nude on Location (Wildbrook) Sunday July 20, 2025 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

This one-day workshop will provide instruction and shooting opportunities to photograph the nude/figure model on location in nature using two specially factory-modified cameras designed to photograph in infra-red B &W. Students will also have opportunities to use these cameras or use special filters provided by MPW on their own digital cameras out-of-doors in a delightfully […]

#210 Editing using Adobe Lightroom starting Monday September 8, 2025 10:30am – 2:00 PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Lightroom has become the standard in image management software; boosting your creativity by saving time and effort.  During this six-week class, students will learn to download, sort, and edit their images with speed and ease.  We will also spend time using the DXO (NIK) and Portrait Professional plug-ins for Lightroom to further enhance our images.  […]

#210 Editing using Adobe Lightroom starting Monday September 8, 2025 6:30 PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Lightroom has become the standard in image management software; boosting your creativity by saving time and effort.  During this six-week class, students will learn to download, sort, and edit their images with speed and ease.  We will also spend time using the DXO (NIK) and Portrait Professional plug-ins for Lightroom to further enhance our images.  […]

#210 Editing using Adobe Lightroom starting Monday September 8, 2025 6:30-10:00 pm

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Lightroom has become the standard in image management software; boosting your creativity by saving time and effort.  During this six-week class, students will learn to download, sort, and edit their images with speed and ease.  We will also spend time using the DXO (NIK) and Portrait Professional plug-ins for Lightroom to further enhance our images.  […]

#128 HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography Sunday November 16, 2025 9-12.00PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Photographers frequently make images under less than ideal conditions. Film and digital sensors have limitations in capturing detail in bright sunlight compared to dark shadows. Commonly, if the photographer places exposure emphasis on light areas, the dark areas become too dark and vice-verse. Stacking is more than bracketing your exposure. You may use Photoshop CC […]

#210 Editing using Adobe Lightroom starting Monday November 3, 2025 10:30am -2:00PM

Wildbrook Computer Lab 29260 Wildbrook Drive, Southfield, United States

Lightroom has become the standard in image management software; boosting your creativity by saving time and effort.  During this six-week class, students will learn to download, sort, and edit their images with speed and ease.  We will also spend time using the DXO (NIK) and Portrait Professional plug-ins for Lightroom to further enhance our images.  […]